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Preview: "Build Your Dreams," by Alexis Irvin & Chip Hiden

Feeling lost in your profession? Disillusioned by your career-track? Or perhaps (and even better) currently in college and not excited about the stereotypical day in your cubical?

This very approachable narrative of self-discovery and cross-country interview experience chronicles the lives of Alexis and Chip, a young couple that upon graduating college feel empty and unfulfilled by their employment opportunity. As a researcher that has explored "employment transitions," which includes involuntary unemployment and post-college underemployment, my tendency is toward the cynical. The paternalistic "you should be happy to have a job" criticism sneaks in, but in a display of self-awareness the authors acknowledge this luxury, especially within the recessed economy time period that this book was written.

With such a turn, the book (and documentary) is even more of statement of defiance to circumstances: Despite feeling lucky and guilty about employment, why should dreams deferred by acceptable? Why should a calling wait for better economic circumstances? If pursuit of passion requires sacrifice, the all elusive "job" in recent years was willingly placed upon the alter in return for a broader sense of purpose and self discovery. What enfolds over the next 180+ pages is a testament to the gesture, and the associated journey.

Without spoiling the book, the authors clarify a five step plan to "finding a passionate career." They prescribe starting with yourself, and figuring out what you care about and are driven to do. This first step can be thought of as not only an internal process, but also interpersonal...we often find joy in our activities or connection with others, but likely don't imagine a realistic career from this. What would it take?

Check it this idea more, as well as the others in "Build Your Dreams!"

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