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Motivators: Jim Rohn (Youtube Clip)

Note: Credit up front to Evan Carmichael up front for curating this source on youtube:

In my past I've found motivational speakers to be often cheesy and overdone. The Tony Robbins-type "you can achieve everything" messages never connected with me becuase everyone in the audience achieving everything is a practical impossiblity. There would be so many conflicting "everythings" in that one room alone someone would be unhappy and their dreams unfulfilled. So I've seen it all as psychological snake-oil, with "belief" being the biggest thing being peddled (i.e., simliar to how a placebo works).

With the elaborated hope framework (Snyder 2002, i.e., hopefulness = effective goals, numerous pathways, accessible agency), I've been curious about the science and praxis (i.e., study of practical implications) of each of those compenents.

These "motivational speakers" have the capacity to speak to all three, but the effective goals seem to need to be tied to the individual making the goals, the pathways are based on context and life experiences...the motivation however, is like the fuel for the engine (process). People find this fuel in a number of intrinic (i.e., physical, intelletual or emotional needs, belief system, identity features) or extrinsic ways (i.e., money, cars, sexual access, fame).

So again, thank you to Evan Carmichael, a clip curator and blogger, making this content by Jim Rohn available to us.

I had never heard of Jim until recently. He apparently was very successful public speaker with roots in business and Idaho farm life. The combination of life experience, valuing people, and a common but no nonscence approach to life's challenges made him a sought after speaker. He passed away in 2009, but his legacy and teachings live on in his company "Jim Rohn International" (

Sidenote: Jim's forum for many of his ideas public paid seminars helping ordinary people looking for motivation toward achieveing dreams presented in an entertaining and easy to understand way. He has a technique in these practical suggestions where he contrasts "poor" thinking and action, with "successful" (rich) thinking and action. This is a simplified argument about economic disparency that I don't imagine he completley intends. Habit and outlook are one of many contributing factors toward one's economic circumstances.

My introdution was through Evan's Youtube summary of "10 Rules for Success." You can obviously make up your own mind about them, but some of these are little ways to shift an attitude from closed to open, or from "no" to "yes." Sometimes when we're striving, and searching for that extra fuel to get up the hill, a change in perspective or the attitude driving our overday or focused efforts needed!


Carmichael, E. (December 30, 2015). Jim Rohn's Top 10 Rules for Success. Youtube Video:

Snyder, C. (2002). Hope Theory: Rainbows of the Mind, Psychological Inquiry, 13, 4, 249-275.

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